Thursday 26 July 2018

The trek begins

Today we started our trek! When we originally planned to go to Nepal I hadn't really thought about trekking but the more I looked into it the more it became apparent that nearly everyone who goes to Nepal treks. We managed to get ours cheaply; around $75 for a 5 day trek. We woke up at 6.30am ready to meet our guide at 7am and set off in a very precarious taxi to the starting point of our trek.

The journey took around an hour and a half, and our trek began about 8.30. We'd been told we would be doing around 6-7 hours of walking a day, and so we set off. Fortunately it wasn't too hot when the trek began, and although our small backpacks were annoying they weren't too heavy to carry with us. We walked through small villages, along big trekking roads and through areas of forest with waterfalls. At one point we had to take our shoes off to walk through the water.

We stopped off for some lunch very early at around 11.30am at a village restaurant. The food was a lot more expensive than in the towns and cities but we had brought snacks with us, and comparatively to England it was still very cheap. Our final two hours for the day was almost entirely uphill, and the most challenging part of the whole 5 day trail. By the time we reached the town we were spending the night in we were all very sweaty and very ready to rest.

After showers we went for a wander around the tiny village, and aside from being chased by some very weird birds we didn't find much to do. We ended up watching some netflix downloaded on katie's iPad and then playing several games of cards to pass the time around dinner and sleeping. It was very peaceful, though, and nice to do nothing. When it got dark it was truly amazing to see; there was no light pollution at all and it was so completely pitch black. It definitely made sleeping at 9.30 even easier.

Laura x

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