Monday 6 August 2018

India bound

Our flight wasn't until the afternoon, so we had a lie in for once. Unfortunately I couldn't sleep, so at 8 am I set off in search of samosas to have for our lunch. We had the free hostel breakfast, packed up our stuff and got a tuk tuk to the airport. The airport was very tiny and overpriced, but fortunately we didn't have too long to hang around until it was time to board our flight. The flight itself was only around 1 hour and a half and very uneventful, although during this trip I've been getting very strange pressure headaches which honestly feel as if my skull is filling with air and my face is going to explode, which as you can imagine isn't very fun.

We arrived in Delhi with a 15 minute time difference and quickly went through security. We had planned to get the metro to our hostel but to get to the right station had to get a shuttle bus, so we ended up opting for a prepaid taxi. It drove us way across the city for only 450 rupees (about £4.70). We arrived at our hostel and checked in. The heat of Delhi after our time in Nepal hit and I was ready for a nap. After checking into our somewhat questionable dorm (there was dirty underwear hanging from my bed- nice) we headed out in search of food. Despite all saying that we wanted curry we ended up at a fast food place getting momos which were nice, before heading back to the hostel.

We wanted to visit India Gate but the others were also keen to go on a night out with the hostel which was advertised as free entry and free drinks, so we left early. We got a tuk tuk uber which was so cheap and convenient, and walked around there for a couple of hours. We befriended a driver who was so desperate to take us home but then ended up giving the ride to his friend. We arrived back just after 10 when the night out group were leaving but we were all now too tired and headed to bed instead.

Laura x

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