Wednesday 23 November 2016

life update

I'm now on my eighth week of uni, and with another lab report to write, thought I'd let my procrastination take the form of a blog post. I am loving uni. And I am shocked. It honestly feels like one big sleepover with loads of great people. The work aspect isn't my fav but it's not terrible!

I am SO sleepy tho. I don't tend to sleep until 1ish because there's just too much to do and too many people to see. And with most of my lectures being after 1pm I get decent lie ins, but somehow still require a long nap.... To be fair I've massively reduced and stopped having them almost every day (lol) to approx once a week, but like it makes me feel approximately 2 (or 90).

I am not used to having no money! Since I was like 16 I've had a job and so a steady income, but now my bank balance looks like I've taken a jump off a steep cliff. I don't think Christmas is helping either; I am currently waiting for 6 different parcels..oops. I did return the majority of some online stress shopping though, so that wasn't too bad. The student discount is just too tempting, and I feel like I need to reward myself every time I focus on work for more than about 5 minutes.
hmmm another reason i have no money.. club entry here is expensive!
I've got a proper nice group of friends. To be honest my entire floor are great (though I haven't seen some of them since freshers) but we also have a laugh in our kitchen and pre drinks before a night out is always fun! I haven't actually been drinking as much as I had anticipated which is definitely a good thing for my liver! But when I do go out it's with a 'go hard or go home' attitude, so it's wise not to do it too often.
post food shop. Tinned and frozen goods are my speciality
My job as a student blogger is so fun! I've written 3 posts so far, and used the job as an excuse to do a cafe shop tour around campus which was great and meant I felt I could justify buying a daily coffee (which my budget definitely doesn't allow for). Being able to get to both starbucks and costa without stepping outside is wayyyyy too tempting, and I'm amazed I haven't actually set up a bed and moved in there.
lara on one of our coffee shop trips
The actual work part isn't too bad. I mean, I'm saying that now knowing that in a couple of weeks I'll probably be crying in the library. I handed in my first essay 2 days before the deadline and got a 2:1 which I was pretty happy with. I'll be getting my first lab report back next week though so I feel my grad average may be rapidly declining. My first year doesn't count but I'm a bit of a perfectionist and also want a good placement so I need to do well which is a lil bit stressful but not the end of the world.
a cute photo from halloween
So yeah. Currently trying to juggle the whole getting a degree thing, cooking, washing clothes, exercising (often sacrificed ngl) and currently house hunting for 6 of us. My participation in societies and extra curricular stuff has rapidly declined (read: i'm doing nothing) but I'm on top of work (ISH, a massive ish) and I'm happy. So yeah. Things could be a lot worse.

Laura x

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