Thursday 26 March 2020

Being Sane in Insane Places: Life Under Corona

Okay, just a disclaimer. I'm not tryna be an influencer, and I'm not here to preach about productivity and sourdough and yoga (well maybe a bit, i really rate sourdough). But essentially, I'm not long into isolation, and with some questionable mental health already starting to kick in, I thought I'd share some tips with you about how I'm trying to stay as sane as possible through this crazy time.

I also wanna say that this post is mainly aimed at students who are now stuck at home with work to do, rather than those (ANGEL) frontline workers. I know you ain't got time to be making sourdough, u da best. For anyone else, we staying home for them. I don't care how much you wanna see your pals, people in intensive care wards will be choosing which patients to prioritise for ventilators. You can live without what you're choosing between, other people can't.

ALSO - i've tried to link everything that i mention where possible. i am rubbish at using this website, so idk how to show that stuff is linked, but most names etc. are!!!

If you're spending the majority of your time atm in bed, wearing pyjamas which have started to smell, resembling some kind of wild animal, and seeing yoga and making sourdough as a world away, that is SO OKAY.


Everyone feels uncertain and confused to different degrees, and if ur struggling and not being productive and feeling like a bit of a mess, don't panic. U got dis. Just make sure ur eating, staying hydrated, and even getting outside to get a lil vitamin D. don't stress. You don't have to be your most productive self rn, and there will be some netflix and podcast recommendations later in the post xo Try and eat right, try and communicate how you're feeling to those around you.

YOU WILL BE OKAY. And if it's stressing u a lot, try and ignore the news

Right so you've made it out of bed, but you can't stop worrying about that little old lady whose elbow you knocked in the aisle in Lidl, and your thoughts are mainly Sims 2 related, and you haven't spoken to another human in some time. Who the fuck wants to do exercise now????
Well, it might seem like the worst idea since the start of time, but once you've got some dopamine cruising through your brain and you're a sweaty mess with bits of dirt from the carpet stuck to the skin on your stomach, you'll start to wonder why you didn't do it sooner.
I've spent a concerning percentage of my life at gym classes, and will be eagerly queuing at the door the day they re-open. In the meantime, YouTube is your friend. Instagram at a push, too. Also we still got our one exercise outing a day, and I am loving using this for a morning walk atm. Just avoiding everyone else like the plague (err quite literally)
(I just wanna say though- it's so fine if you don't wanna work out. A lot of people don't work out usually, and it's so chill if it's not your thing, even if your instagram feed suggests everyone you've ever met is prepping for a summer six pack. Personally if i don't move enough i start to go insane, but like i said, personal pref !!)
My personal favs are:
This woman is amazing, and year 9 Laura used to do her workouts before school. A lot of them are apartment friendly (so not jumping or loud noises involved), equipment free but also still get your heart rate up. Such a good variety in length. I recommend the 100 workout if you just want a quick burner, the 1000 if you're feeling like a machine, and they're all just a fab way to procrastinate any other tasks

What a man. Maybe it's partly that I am just very much in love with him, but his workouts are SO GOOD. I love the HIIT style, and the fact that they're about 20 minutes. Nothing more intimidating than committing to a workout over 30 minutes- you think I'm willing to sweat and be in pain for that long?! Well, I probably am to be honest, but it's much nicer in a 20 minute chunk, and if you're feeling particularly adventurous, you can do 2! Most of his don't require equipment, but a couple do if you're lucky enough to have weights around the house. I don't have favs to recommend but they are all good!!

Okay, I promised no yoga but here we are. Cardio isn't for everyone, and I feel like this is prime time to get hella flexible. My favourite party trick is my ability to do the splits, which is probably because some joint or ligament somewhere has popped out and requires medical attention, but hey ho. This is my fav channel, because some of the workouts are so short! The in-bed yoga is my fav, and particularly good if you're struggling to sleep with all the impending doom occurring outside (CUTE). She also has meditation videos if that's your jam.

All I want to do atm is stay in my pyjamas and eat the contents of my cupboard. BAD IDEA- mainly just bc there are food shortages and all the good snacks might be gone when u go to do ur essential shop.

I personally don't believe you need to dress like you're going to an office every day, but do try to make sure you're doing simple things like brushing your hair and teeth and if you're feeling especially fancy: SKINCARE.

Now's the time to be piling on those face masks, exfoliating, toning, all that shit. Gonna come out of isolation a dewey queen, amirite.

Personally, the things that are helping me feel like i'm in "work mode" are:
-wearing a bra
-wearing jeans every day

(plus other clothing lol) just bc they are two things which I wouldn't relax in. For the first few days I was living the pj life and doing a solid 0 uni work. I'm not doing much more now, but this has stopped me popping back to bed for a nap every 10 seconds.

Also, make sure you're eating normal things!!! The other morning I had half of my birthday cake for breakfast. A healthy choice, I think. Something that truly keeps me sane is eating the same kinda thing every day, and while cake for every meal is fun, it's not sustainable for the forseeable future, especially when you gotta be boosting your immune system. You don't need to be on that acai bowl, massaged kale and courgetti salad bs, just try and cover the food groups. And if you normally take supplements (yeah vegans am looking at u) keep it up.

Here are my fav simple recipes which can easily be adapted and simplified based on what u have in the house:
-Vegan fajitas (you don't need a recipe for these lol but thought i'd throw one in
I also make a lot of soup and have it for lunch every day- filling and easy with some breeeead. Just sautee an onion and some garlic in some oil (real nice and sizzly) and add veggies, season, veggie stock, add water and leave to simmer on the hob. Blend if that is an option for ya My fav variations are:
-a mushroom one which is baso a punnet of sliced up mushrooms + coconut milk
-tin of tomatoes, a load of red lentils
-a whole bag of sliced + chopped up carrots

But essentially just try and eat good, and also get creative with what you have in your cupboards. When you do need to go food shopping, plan for meals instead of just buying random components. Stick to a list, it will make yours and everyone's lives easier.

Also use this website to list what u have and it gives u recipes!! ur welcome

ALSO BAKING IS SO FUN. you can make super simple flatbreads using just flour and water, or now is ideal time to whip up a sourdough starter!!! Lol. You can just do it with flour and water I'm p sure, but the easiest recipe I could find was this. Thank me later sourdough is THE ONE.

If you're lacking in ingredients here's a load of cheap recipes, some of which have like 3 ingredients. We eating good in this pandemic, amirite x 

Some of you may be on lockdown where u don't wanna be, and that's p shit. When u feel sad that ur not with your best pals or cuddling your dog, try and think of why we're doing this!!
There are lotsa people who won't survive this. Whilst we get to look at it as a weird time, getting bored of seeing the same faces in the kitchen and running laps around the garden, the reason we're all doing this is for the people who are either working in or lying in the beds of ICUs, so kick back, download House Party, and at some point, TikTok, and roll with it.
Ideas for fun ways to be creative with social distancing:

-KAHOOT- my housemate made an AMAZING quiz for my isolation birthday party, where we sent her embarrassing confessions and she made them into multiple choice quiz questions. You're gonna get very close with whoever you're isolating with, so you might as well speed up the process by sharing your bodily fluid-related tales over a fun game xoxo
-HOUSE PARTY- Okay literally everyone is on it, including my parents. But it's basically just an app which allows you to group facetime, and also do games like Heads Up with that one housemate that abandoned you (not bitter at all) x x x
-CALL YOUR GRANDPARENTS !!!! Okay lol this isn't the most creative suggestion, but if you've got any elderly relatives or family friends who you think might benefit from a friendly chat or check in every once in a while, now's your chance. They might not be aware of how to download houseparty, so we gotta keep them entertained
-GOLF BATTLE- I can't believe I'm including this in a blog post, but a great app for playing golf with all your friends xoxo lol i love being cool !! 

I bloody love following a routine. I rate structure. I even like organised fun. Basically, I'm a great time all round!!!! But for real, if you can feel your mental health taking a hefty dive deep towards some sweet sweet ~isolation depression~ try and give urself some structure!! Whatever works for u, but i love having a reggy sleep pattern, eating meals at a consistent time and planning for lotsa breaks and activities. DON'T PANIC if you're not you're usual productive organised self. We're here for a long time (not a good time, lol) so you can take them breaks. Think of all that commuting, both to uni and to the pub, which will no longer be occurring. I reckon a 20 minute break for every 20 minutes worked will balance it out xoxo

The main fav things which are keeping me from going fully mental atm are my daily exercise walk (the only time i'll be thanking boris for anything) and every night at 8 me and my housemates watch a film on netflix. the rest of the day feels a bit like filling the time between those two things xo

Here's my structure lol in case u are interested in my WILD isolation life!!!!
7.50- WAKEY WAKEY clothe and make coffeeeee
8.10- leave the house with coffee and go for my state-approved exercise outing
9- return home and eat brekkie
9.20- a bit of half-hearted uni work
11- workout time xoxo
12- shower, clothe, and most likely eat lunch
12.40 - half- hearted uni work round two
3/3.30 - break in the garden with my housemates
3.50/4 - half-hearted uni work/golf battle/watching everyone who goes past the house out of boredom
6.30- start makin dinner
7.30- last attempt at half-hearted uni work
8- Movieee and generally doing very little
10.30- go to bed - lol there's not a lot to stay up for in a pandemic xoxo

This is prime time for doing something weird. I'm tempted to get a fringe just bc if it looks as shit as i'm anticipating, i don't have to see anyone for a while. I was also planning to:
-get really flexible
-learn to bake great bread
Well, i haven't stretched at all in isolation (excluding post-workout, am not here for those DOMS) and i made one great loaf last night, so i'm p sure i'm done with those aims.
But for real, one of my friends has decided it's time to start crocheting, i wanna do a teeny bit of yoga at some point, and yeah it's just time to read that book you've been putting off, listen to that podcast, watch that film, etc etc. I've also rediscovered my Nintendo DS, and ngl, Cooking Mama is even better than I had remembered.

Here are my recommendations for tings:

For reading I recommend the Kindle App, books are cheap and you won't get corona from them!! Also save the trees.
I hardly read when I'm at uni and when I do read I just download cheap stuff off the Kindle app, but I love The Rosie Project, Shantaram, Lion/A Long Way Home, Behind Closed Doors, This is Going to Hurt, The Body Keeps the Score (ok this one is probs only interesting if u like psychology/trauma)

I listen to Podcasts on Spotify. They are ideal for listening to on that daily exercise walk if u have premium bc you can download them. 
I bloody love true crime (don't @ me i know it's weird) and my favourite podcast ever is My Favourite Murder but I also like Crime Junkie
If true crime ain't for you then The Mortified Podcast is where adults read their teenage diaries, Shagged Married Annoyed is meant to be really funny but I am yet to listen, and My Dad Wrote a Porno is a classic xo

I have the attention span of a child who's eaten blue smarties so if it's made it here it's done something right. Most of these are on Netflix

SERIES: You, Unbelievable, The Stranger, Happy Valley, Sex Education (is alright everyone else loves it tho), Love is Blind (haven't even watched it), Black Mirror, The Simpsons (apparently on All 4 for the first time ever???), Gilmore Girls/Friends (lol these are two i've watched maybe a billion times over the last 13 years and have no plans to stop xo)
FILMS: Lion, About Time, Juno, Me Before You, Spotlight, The Lost Girls, Little Miss Sunshine, Lady Bird, all the harry potter films (lmao i literally have the taste of an 8 year old I know) 

Okay i can't think of anything i've ever watched but i'll add if anything comes back to me

You can do some nice tings to make the world a better place!! Cute.
GIVE BLOOD - stocks are starting to get low and people still need blood. Really ain't that bad and i fuckin hate needles. Go to this website to find your nearest appointment, and u get free biscuits
BE AN NHS VOLUNTEER- you can volunteer to do loadsa stuff like picking up people's prescriptions, taking them to appointments, or calling them regularly to check up on them. Lots of local areas have similar initiatives. Sign up here!
REPORT SYMPTOMS- Use this app designed by King's College to track symptom progression and help research Corona! Super simple and easy and you only need to log when anything changes. It's called Covid Symptom Tracker

In conclusion, writing this post has been helpful to me if no one else lol. like i've said a million times, this is a strange time to be alive. be compassionate, make good choices, only go out if it's necessary. i wanna be able to look back at this time and feel like i did everything i could to not be a dickhead, and i'd like to think everyone feels the same. so yeah friends, let's make the most of it whilst also considering that just bc ur not in a risk group doesn't mean that your choices won't affect someone who is!

Laura x


  1. Brilliant Laura! I'll definitely wear a bra! Good day!

  2. Loving the suggestions, especially Kahoot and podcast stuff, and fairplay for using the time creatively and blogging!!

