Monday, 8 October 2012

This column will change your life

My parents are painfully middle class and read the guardian which I havd started to enjoy far too much as the weekend magazine is really interesting okay. One column is entitled 'this column will change your life' and when I finish reading it I always feel slightly better about life rather like I do after reading rookie. It just reminds you that there is more to life than silly school fights and annoying people and life does exist outside of this tiny selfsih teenage mind.
On saturday afternoon I went to see The Perks of Being a Wallflower. It was the most amazing thing I've ever seen and just wow. Half way through I turned to look at my friends and their eyes were brimming with tears which were about to spill and found it really beautiful because you don't get to see people looking so vulnerable.
Man here is my long description of it
This afternoon I went to see The Perks of Being a Wallflower. To say that I enjoyed it would be the understatement of the century. It was the most amazing film I’ve ever seen, up until now i would have argued in favour of Harry Potter but this has overtaken it. I was worried I’d be disappointed as I loved the book so much but they did an incredible job. It was as good as the book and exactly how I’d imagined it and they brought the story to life amazingly. The actors and the way it’s written were just breathtaking and it was so emotional that I cried almost the whole way through. As the credits played despite already crying, me and my friends simultabeously burst into tears and had to sit for a while trying to take in what we’d seen. It’s so well done and the lives of the characters are so idealistic but desirable and as a teenager it’s so easy to relate to. It’s just so true to live in the way that Stephen Chbosky really understands the teenage mindset and the desire to fit in, as well as the fact that everyone’s messed up but just show it differently. It was one of the best 2 hours of my life and the whole thing was perfect from the actors used, the clothes they wore, the music they liked and I’m just sad that people will say it was a disappointment or overrated because i genuinely think it was phenomenal and if you haven’t seen if run to your local cinema

But yeah genuinely just fab all round.
i wish i could post photos of my cool fashion or something but sadly i am not cool
i have made lots of flower crowns but until i set up a bank account they were sitting in my room

i look incredibly deep in the first photo but was struggling for facial expression
well i've used this blog twice so far which sadly was more than i expected too so that's good
and i'm bringing lunch to school for the first time in 3 years yay

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